Sunday, July 11, 2010

This Is The Home Of Chang Apana

Detective Chang Apana is now asleep in the Lin Yee Chung (Manoa Chinese) Cemetery, located deep in Manoa Valley. Chinese people prefer to be buried with their feet facing the sea; as a result, the vast majority of the graves there face in that direction. The hill to the West is known as the "Dragon Mountain", the hill to the East, as the "Lion Mountain". The space between the dragon and lion is considered to be a safe, and peaceful spot by the Chinese. Consequently, the Lin Yee Chung Cemetery is thought to be a very desirable burial place.

A very simple homemade tombstone marks Chang Apana's grave. On it is inscribed his name in both English and Chinese characters. Also in Chinese is written, "This is the home of Chang Apana"

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